* The present support is available to companies, whatever
their location in Belgium, for the disabled in the French-speaking part of the
Walloon Region of Belgium.
* The
present support is available to public or private companies, whether commercial
or not.
* The
training company should:
- provide
the trainee with a real professional qualification by providing him with the
necessary theoretical and practical vocational knowledge;
- provide
the trainee, if needed, with the necessary equipment (equipment, tools, work
clothing, protection and security equipment in running order and/or upkept on a
regular basis);
- control
the implementation of the contract or appoint a member of its staff in charge
of supervising the trainee, evaluating his adaptation to the work and making
his comments to the trainee and the representatives of the AViQ;
- to
ensure carefully and wisely the health and security of the trainee;
- not
assign to the trainee tasks that are not related to the vocational integration
process or presenting risks for his health and his security or prohibited
pursuant to the legal or regulatory provisions related to the work;
- pay
the fixed training subsidy;
- provide
the proof that, as far as the trainee is concerned, it complies with its legal
or regulatory obligations;
- inform
instantly the AViQ’s regional agency of any dispute related to the
implementation of the contract;
- allow
the AWIPH's representatives to conduct the necessary inquiries and visits in
the training supervisor company or on the training site;
- provide
the AWIPH with any requested justifying piece of information;
- assess,
on a regular basis, with the trainee and an AViQ representative, the
development of the training;
- issue,
at the end of the contract, a training certificate with reference to its
duration and nature;
- at the
end of the contract, provide the trainee with the relevant social documents.
* The
trainee should:
- have his
disability acknowledged by the AViQ;
- no
longer be subject to compulsory education;
- not
have vocational skills and/or experience which can be directly used on the job
- have
sufficient abilities for a successful vocational integration
- obtain
a permit from the ONEM if he is an unemployed in receipt of unemployment
benefits or the agreement of his mutual body if he is in a state of disability.
To be noticed :
The conclusion of a
vocational integration contract implies that ordinary training treatments are
not relevant.
He undertakes to:
- conscientiously
dedicate himself to the acquisition of the vocational training;
- comply
with the training supervisor company’s work regulations and, if need be,
respect professional confidentiality;
- comply
with the directions given by the training company or its delegate as regards
the implementation of the contract;
- give
back, in good conditions of operation, the tools and equipments, as well as the
remaining raw materials, he has been provided with;
- give
instant notice to the AViQ of any dispute related to the implementation of the
- comply
with security and hygiene procedures;
- comply
with accepted principles of morality during the implementation of the contract;
- assess,
on a regular basis, with the training company and an AViQ representative, the
development of the training.
* The AViQ
a) approve
the training contract;
b) follow
the implementation of the contract;
c) play a
conciliation part in case of dispute.
Besides, it can:
a) provide
training companies with a technical and educational support when drawing up the
training programme;
b) conclude
agreements with training operators, so as to , where needed, provide support to
the training given by the training company.
* Any
vocational integration contract should contain:
a) the
idendity and place of residence of the parties;
b) the
date when the contract begins and ends;
c) the
subject of the contract;
d) the
nature and the different stages of the vocational integration as they were
agreed by the trainee, the training company and the AViQ representative and
called "integration programme";
e) the
respective obligations of all the parties.
The duration of the
vocational integration contract is set at for a renewable maximum period of 1
year, without exceeding a 3-year total duration.
It provides for a
probation period only where its duration is equal or superior to 6 months. In
this case, the probation period is set at 1 month.
The implementation of the
vocational integration contract is suspended in case of momentary impossibility
for one of the parties to perform the contract, namely in case of involuntary
unemployment or incapacity for work resulting from disease or an accident, or a
maternity leave.
The related party must
justify this impossibility and, when it results from an incapacity for work of
the trainee, issue a medical certificate.
If the implementation of
the contract is suspended, it can be extended accordingly. The suspension and
the resumption of the implementation of the contract during the period covered
by the contract should be instantly notified to the AViQ by the concerned party
and within a maximum period of 10 days.
Beyond the period covered
by the contract, the resumption of the training should be approved by the AViQ.
* After
training, the company can benefit from employment incentives awarded by other
public authorities (e.g. rebates on employers’ contributions, ...), the subsidy
for the integration of disabled worker, the compensation subsidy for workers
with disabilities and the intervention in the arrangement of the workstation of
a disabled employee.